What is NCOAA?
The National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Association (NCOAA) is a non-partisan, grassroots, civic-minded organization that is focused on eradicating carbon monoxide poisoning and helping carbon monoxide poisoning survivors recover to lead a happy, healthy, and productive life.
Our Programs & Services
Our programs and services include:
Partnering with health care professionals and 1st responders to screen carbon monoxide poisoning diagnostic tools and research
Partnering with manufacturers, legislators, and standards committees to reduce/eradicate carbon monoxide poisoning
Partnering with public, private, and nonprofit sectors to improve the lives diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning by providing a proven roadmap to recovery and access to proper carbon monoxide poisoning prevention standards
Engaging insurers in the carbon monoxide poisoning conversation so the quality of care patients receive is vastly improved
Immediate Funding Needs
Want to Learn More?
Contact Jessica Waddell, Director of Public Health Programs and Development, at (865) 809-8453 or jwaddell@ncoaa.us.